CreativeIT Laptop and Computer Repair Experts in London

Expert And Fast Physical Data Recovery


Physical Data Recovery

Creative IT has the technical ability to offer physical data recovery services in London or the United Kingdom. There are different levels of physical data recovery available, depending on what type of damage has occurred. Hard drives that have physical data recovery problem can range from a physical impact or wear and tear.Physical Data Recovery

Types of faults are:
Types of physical Data Recovery Damage
Burned hard drive
Water and other liquid damage
Laptop has been dropped or external drive while laptop or external
drive was on
Power failure in hard drive due to lighting or power surge
Overheating hard drives from circuit board problems on hard drive
Motor is jammed, head is jammed on platters
What needs to be done?
When this happens, you need to find someone that does physical data
recovery and not the logical way (means using software to repair the
hard drive).

How physical data recovery is done?
Creative IT will first inspect the outer areas of the drive. Circuit board on the hard drive has to be inspected to see if there are any burnt components or burnt traces. If noting is seen physically, the
next step is to plug the drive to see if its starts spinning, if it doesn’t, then the motor needs to be checked; there could be 2 scenarios. Motor is faulty or the controller chip or other small components on the board is faulty (type of components could be mosfets, IC chips, capacitors or diodes) on circuit board on hard drive is faulty.

What happens if the drive spins but it does not mount? (Means its not seen on your computer) Heads and platters needs to be checked. There are different software utilities to run this type of diagnostic test.

This will check if the controller board is communicating with the heads and to identify the condition of the platters.

Other procedure will require opening the drive in a clean room to check for jammed motor, frozen head on platter and to see if there are any visible scratched marks.

Physical data recovery transplant
A donor drive will be required for this procedure. It needs to be identical, same date same model same firmware same manufacture brand.

Shut down the system and don’t attempt to reboot it or power it up all over again because this may cause more widespread data loss or even permanent data loss.